The 4-month group immersion to reignite your creative practice and solidify consistency showing up so that you can rise to the next level in your journey!

The next round starts in the Winter 2025

Returning to your Art does not have to be like this..…

• You REALLY want to produce a body of work you’re proud of… but committing to a direction and showing up to actually make the work feels like pulling teeth.

• With your stressful day job, house full of kids or other external circumstances – you feel like you never have enough time to create.

• If you do manage to finally get in the groove making stuff… a few weeks in - you end up jumping ship to chase the next shiny idea.

• You know you have it in you to fulfill your dreams as an Artist, but every attempt leads to confusion, frustration and despair.

How did you end up in this situation?    

• You have not come to terms with the fact that you are a different person than you were 10 or 20 years ago, and this season of life is going to require you to show up for your Art in a new way.

• Perfectionism has you spinning out in shame cycles every time the work gets hard, emotions come up or you need to step away for any length of time.

• You’re holding on so tight to the outcome of what you produce, that a crushing pressure has formed making this whole process not fun - so of course you don’t want to show up for it.

Sound like you?

Don’t worry, you get to build a successful life as an Artist in a way that feels light and effortless

Imagine a life where...

• You wrap up a busy day, and feel energized and inspired to jump into your personal Art without the fear and hesitation.

• The beautiful, grounding experience of creating work that’s just for you comes rushing back, and in the process, you reclaim your identity as an Artist.

• You see your style and way of working naturally reveal itself as you show up consistently.

• The next step in your creative journey presents itself, and you feel excited and ready to take it on!

In just 20 minutes a day...

Got the motivation she needed to complete her first children’s book.

Wrote 100 short stories which reignited her love for creative writing!

Composed music every day to get back in the flow with her music career!

Created and published a custom journal on Amazon.

Deepened her self-worth through daily self-care and photography!

Got in the flow painting daily after a 12 year hiatus!

... and so many more!

It’s time to show up for your personal work amidst the chaos of life so that you can rise to the next level in your creative journey

“100 Epic Days gave me the kick in the butt I needed to keep a long-time-coming promise to myself to make art again. I successfully finished 2 oil paintings (after not touching oil paint for 12 YEARS) and countless sketches. I feel so grateful for Leeanne guiding me through to the end!”

-Stephanie Bednarz / Artist

“In the past, I would stop projects before I even gave myself a chance to get started!

Through Leeanne’s guidance, I was able to get out of my own way, and consistently show up for my creative work, which became a beautiful grounding practice of self-care for me. I remember getting towards the end and being in awe of how much momentum I had built - it felt really easy to just keep going! I highly recommend 100 Epic Days!”

-Cindy Blaser / Intuitive Guide, Life Coach & Artist

Here’s How it Works:


Everyone picks one creative act that they would like to focus on for 100 days. During our kick off week (which is the week before our official start date of 100 days) I bring you through my proven method to choose your creative goal, scope it so that it suits your skill level and life circumstances, and move through mental resistance so that you feel confident and set up for success.


After our kick off week, we start marching together day by day for 100 days showing up to do our chosen creative endeavors. Most people choose to show up about 20 minutes per day, but of course, you can have longer sessions too. You will do your creative work on your own time, and then every day in the community, you will check in, and I will be there to cheer you on and support you!


Every 2 weeks, we will gather as a group on Zoom for hot seat coaching where I will help you move through any stuck points, celebrate wins, and give you space to share and integrate who you are becoming by showing up in this new way as an Artist.

At the end of the 100 days, we come together to celebrate and reflect on the new you that shows up consistently without the grind amidst the chaos of life! The week after our 100 days, we have a reflection session where I bring you through an exercise to plan for the next steps in your creative journey.

Leeanne Brennan life coaching for artists writers and musicians mindset and accountability coach for creatives

You Receive:

  • The week prior to our official day 1 of 100 start date, we'll gather together as a group on Zoom for 4 live sessions.

    I will help you pick your idea, scope it so that it fits your unique life circumstaeces, move through resistance, ard prep your mind and space for your 100 days!

  • Enjoy an active community of like-minded creatives all marching together to focus on a creative practice or personal project. There is a daily check-in post from day 1-100 where you share the progress you made each day, and I am there to cheer you on!

    Your voice will be heard and the camaraderie of others going through the same journey together will hold you accountable to follow through no matter what life throws your way!

  • We gather as a group on Zoom every other week during our 100 day journey to share and get support. I help you move through any resistance, celebrate wins, and reflect and integrate how you are changing and who you are becoming by doing your daily creative act!

  • 15 video lessons + worksheets to dispel limiting beliefs around time and creation, tailor your process to fit your hectic life, and get best practices that will allow you to slip into effortless flow-state.

  • Celebrate, reflect and plan your next steps, After our 100 days we will gather for a celebration ceremony and the following week reflect with journaling exercises to plan our next steps.

The next round starts Winter 2025


If you've been wanting to get consistent with your creative practice or complete a personal project...

This program will shift your mindset on how to get your creative work done and the accountability from myself and the others in the group will help you not only stay the course, but FINALLY get comfortable finishing what you start, even with your hectic day! 

Hannah England client testimonial from 100 Epic Days a 4 month mindset and accountability program for artists to follow through on their creative practice or personal project

“100 Epic Days was a genuinely LIFE-CHANGING experience. It helped me uproot my perfectionist attitude that was getting my creative projects nowhere and seeded in its place an attitude of appreciation for the creative journey.

Thus, after over a decade of struggling to just start a children's book, in 100 days I have one written, thumbnailed, and half-illustrated! Amazing! Aside from that, the things I've learned have informed success in other areas of my life as well. I'm so, so, so, so, so happy that I had an opportunity to join this program! Thank you Leeanne!”

Hannah England / Artist & Author

"I had been wanting to return to a consistent music practice for a long time, but a demanding day job and negative self-talk always seemed to get in the way.

100 Epic Days helped me to realign to what is truly possible given my constraints, and finally regain my confidence as a musician. In this program I built a heightened sense of self-awareness, refined my processes, and know exactly what needs to happen next with the album I’m working on! The experience was incredible!"

Elena Siegman / Singer, Guitarist & Songwriter


  • This is EXACTLY why I made this program. It was literally developed out of my need to figure out a way to be creative while my 6 month old had me up all night nursing every 2 hours, I was in charge of managing my daughter's virtual school and and endless mountain of to-do's. Picking a goal that's easy and gently stepping back into your creativity will give you more energy and life than you can imagine!

    Also, I highly recommend listening to this podcast episode: How a 60 Year Timeline Changed My Life

  • Join us no matter how you classify yourself! If you do not feel comfortable claiming the title “Creative,” “Artist,” “Writer,” or “Musician” - no worries! This program is open to everyone no matter your skill level, experience or any other parameter. This is a welcoming, non-judgemental space for all.

  • No, the community part of this program is run on Circle Communities. You can access this platform via a web browser, and they also have an app for both the iPhone and Android!

  • The creative goal that you pick for your 100 days should take 20 min. or less to complete each day. Of course you can always do more if you'd like. There is a private community with a daily thread to post what you did each day and support others in the group if you would like, which should only take a few minutes. The live Zoom check-in calls are held twice a month and last 1 hour each.

  • With pay-in-full you get a private 1:1 session. I am also open to private coaching (granted spaces are available). Please send an email to leeanne@leeannebrennan.com with your request, and I will be happy to chat with you about different options for private coaching.

  • Winter 2025 (Exact date TBD)

  • You will be sent a welcome email within 24 hours of enrolling in the program. Details will follow as we get closer to the start date.

  • I totally understand the investment fear. Jumping off this cliff is a big deal, but it is worth it! Check out the case studies from artists, writers, musicians and more on my podcast to hear first hand success stories!

    100 Day of Drawing with Cindy

    100 Days of writing with Carin

    100 Days of Music with Elena

    If you’d like to chat about if this program is right for you, feel free to DM me on Instagram @createwithleeanne

  • For any questions, please email my assistant at assistant@leeannebrennan.com or DM me on Instagram @createwithleeanne

“There was a lot going on in my day job and personal life when I signed up for 100 Epic Days, but I wanted to prioritize something creative and enjoyable for myself to help refill my cup! My goal was to get more comfortable in the interior design software I had learned in a class prior to this program, and start working on redesigning my home. In just little 10 or 20 minute chunks of time each day, I made huge progress!

The structure and continued support Leeanne set us up with allowed so much of the procrastination and self-shaming to melt away, and it really became so easy to turn on the computer at night and design a little bit after work. I even designed a new kitchen for a relative towards the end of the program! Because of this experience, so much has changed with my mindset, view on what is possible, and compassion for myself!”

-Theresa Murphy / BS Interior Design

“Leading up to 100 Epic Days, I was feeling very ‘in my head’ due to the stressors at work – unable to quiet my mind or focus on things that bring relaxation and joy. By committing to a doable creative practice – 20 minutes of painting on small canvases using a limited palette – I was able to slowly overcome resistance and allow myself to find peace, and still the chatter in my mind.

Now, having completed the 100 days, I’m able to move toward more complex projects – still in small amounts of time around my hectic day job schedule. These 100 days were exactly what I needed to get unstuck, in the flow, and moving forward again. Thanks so much, Leeanne, for this gentle yet very effective container!”

-Lynda Abel / Painter

Winter 2025 Presale